





3000ok.com当我接触“”的最早版本“三个好汉”时,我扮演的角色是战术的三个好汉之一。 What I feel at this time is a kind of personal heroism, because from a human point of view, each of us wants to be a superhero, able to slay demons and slayers in the game for free PK, and feel quite happy.

3000ok.comBut with the emergence of guilds and Shabak’s siege gameplay in later versions, what I feel is another kind of collective heroism. Everyone fights with the idea of ​​accomplishing the same goal, that is, to capture (defend) Shabak and gain a sense of honor through collective unity. This transformation from individual heroism to collective heroism often leads to deeper bonds and feelings between people. This is also the unique culture of legend.

3000ok.comMany times, we are talking about inheritance. But inheritance is not about talking about it, but about integrating it into the product and writing into the user's memory.

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